Exceptional Family Member Program

The Navy's Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) serves military families with special needs. The EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program for sponsors with qualifying family members. Enrollment in the EFMP ensures maximum provision of services to the family throughout the sponsor’s career.

The EFMP includes identification of the family member's special needs, enrollment in the program, assignment coordination, and family support. The Program assists Sailors during the assignment process by addressing the special needs of their exceptional family members (EFM), and ensures they are assigned to areas where they can access necessary resources.

Qualifying conditions include medical (physical, mental, developmental), and/or educational requirements that are chronic (expected to last six months or longer); requirements for adaptive equipment, assistive technology devices and services, and/or wheelchair accessibility.

Call or visit us, and we can guide you through what you need.

Deborah Edwards is the NAWS Exceptional Family Member Program Collateral Duty Case Liasion call for EFMP changes, local information, POC training and resources at 760-939-4553. 

Appointment Scheduling is available 24/7 to meet with your Case Liasion - Call 1-866-923-6478

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) - Point of Contact Training: Assists all Commands in developing and establishing an EFMP Point of Contact program. Command designated POC assist to enhance communication and support, to orient EFMP families at INDOC and refer to EFMP Medical and Fleet & Family EFMP.

Point of Contact EFMP training is scheduled monthly at the FFSC or can be scheduled as needed call Deborah Edwards to set up 760-939-4553. 



Now offering Special Education Support. Download now! 

New for EFMP Families

For general program information, download now! 

EFMP Support at FFSC