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The School Liaison Program is an essential element of the military Child & Youth Programs, PreK-12 System Navigation, and youth sponsorship programs and is provided at NAWS China Lake.

For more information on local public, private or homeschools, please email your Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake School Liaison Officers:

Jessie Vazquez School Liasion 760-939-7135

Mary Graves ICYP Director 760-939-0884

The School Liaison supports:

• Active duty military, National Guard and Reserve military personnel, DoD civilians, and their families living on or off the military installation within the Service-approved catchment area.

• Gold Star spouses of military members who died from a combat related incident.

• Those acting in loco parentis for eligible dependent PreK – 12 military children.

The SLO serves as the primary link between school district and school level personnel, commanders, and military parents. SLs serve as the installation subject matter experts for outreach educational support of military children in grades PreK – 12.

The School Liaisons can: 

• Answer questions about school enrollment options

• Provide information about local schools and boundaries

• Assist with inbound/outbound school transfers

• Help you understand and navigate the special education process

• Provide resources for college readiness

• Provide community relations, partnerships, and outreach

• Assist with agency referrals on and off the installation

• ...and much more!


•  Families move an average of every 2.9 years

• Children attend up to 9 different schools by graduation

 • Families experience increased stress related to deployment during wartime


School Transition Services (PCS Cycle): School Liaisons assist families with school transfers and help “level the playing field” for military children and youth.

Deployment Support: School Liaisons connect educators with the Navy deployment support system to inform them about the cycles of deployment and the tools available to assist educators in working with Navy children.

Command, School, Community Communications: School Liaisons serve as subject-matter experts for installation commanders on K-12 issues, helping to connect command, school and community resources.

Home School Linkage and Support: School Liaisons assist Navy families by gathering and sharing information on home schooling issues, policies and legislation from local school districts. They also help leverage Navy Child and Youth Programs resources to support these families.

Partnerships in Education (PIE): PIE creates a volunteer network of resources to support installation and community members who have a vested interest in the success of all youth.

Post-Secondary Preparations: School Liaisons leverage installation and school resources to provide graduating military students with access to post-secondary information and opportunities.

Special Needs System Navigation: School Liaisons provide information about installation and community programs and services, make referrals to the Exceptional Family Member Program, and offer assistance in navigating the administrative systems within local education agencies.





For information on upcoming events and installation partners, please contact:

NAWS China Lake School Liaison Officer:

Jessie Vazquez Phone: 760-939-7135 

Many events and information postings can be found on Facebook at:  

• NAWSCL School Liaison Officer

• Navy Life China Lake (FFR & MWR)

• Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake

• Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division


What is a School Liaison and how can they help me?
School Liaisons (SL) help by providing you with educational information on your new area (based on residence) and link you up with a SLO in your next duty station if you are leaving. SLs also offer resources on deployment support, are the liaison between command, schools and military families, work with commands and schools on the Partnership in Education program, can help families navigate the special needs programs in districts, and offer information and support for Home School and Post Secondary preparation.

How do I choose a school?
We know the importance of choosing a school that best meets the needs of your child(ren). Even though we are unable to make direct recommendations for schools, we are available to help you acquire information and research the schools in your area and within NRSW. We can provide overall information on districts as well as help you determine what schools you might be mapped to once you have a residence.

What is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)?
ESSA was signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015, and replaces the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. 

Highlights include:

• Upholds critical protections for America's disadvantaged and high-need students.

• Requires that all students be taught to high academic standards that will prepare them to succeed in college and careers.

• Ensures that vital information is provided to educators, families, students, and communities through annual statewide assessments that measure students' progress.

• Helps to support and grow local innovations—including evidence-based and place-based interventions developed by local leaders and educators.

• Sustains and expands investments in increasing access to high-quality preschool.

• Maintains an expectation that there will be accountability and action to effect positive change in the lowest-performing schools, where groups of students are not making progress, and where graduation rates are low over extended periods of time.

For more information, please visit:

What are the health and immunization requirements?
Immunization and health check up fact sheet for the California Dept of Education can be found at: California schools are required to check immunization records for all new student admissions at TK/Kindergarten through 12th grade. Almost all California school children are required to be fully vaccinated in order to attend public or private school, regardless of their parents' personal or religious beliefs. SB 277 went into effect on 01 July 2016.Before entering the 7-12th grades, California schools will check for 1 dose of Tdap (or DTP/DTaP given on or after the 7th birthday. Once you determine where you will live and what school your child will attend, you should also check with your school to be sure there are no additional district requirements.

What are the School Registration procedures?
Inform your school district and school site of your upcoming arrival.  Registrars and front desk staff will advise on the process.  Some sites have online registration options.  Expect to fill out Registration Forms and provide birth certificate and immunization copies.  Also provide proof of residency or mention that you are awaiting on-base housing (which will require later verification).  It is recommended to send IEP/504 documents at the time of registration.  Use the “Checklist for School Moves” located on this sidebar to ensure that you hand carry all necessary documents. 

What do I do if I’m on a housing wait-list or am in temporary housing?
Most military housing areas and school districts within school boundaries of military housing are familiar with thissituation. We recommend that you ask your local housing office for a letter indicating that you are on the waitlist,and list the potential waitlist timeline. Most times this is all the schools need to proceed with registration. If you have questions or issues, please contact your SL.

What is the Interstate Compact and what can it do for my family?
The Interstate Compact seeks to make transition easier for the children of military families so that they are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals. More information can be found at:

What options are there for before and after school care?
Start looking for care early.  Begin by asking your school or district what they offer.  If they do not have any on-site care, they may be able to advise regarding community options. Installation options and sign-ups are available at  If you are still having difficulty, contact your School Liaison and they will work with you to navigate options.

What do I do if I’m moving with a child with special needs?
In the Navy, your School Liaison can help you with the special needs navigation of the school or district that you are planning to send your child(ren) to.  If you are Active Duty, you should also contact the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) to ensure that you are enrolled and that you have all information and resources that they offer.  At NAWS China Lake, you can call them directly at the Fleet & Family Support Center at 760-939-4545.

Can School Liaison Officers advocate in an IEP/504 meeting for my child?
The Navy School Liaisons are not able to advocate on your behalf nor are they able to attend the meetings.  School Liaisons offer information and resources.  They can also help you find the right people to talk to at the school or district.  If you ever have issues with your IEP/504 or school, please call your School Liaison since they also have many community resources that can offer guidance and direct assistance.



California Department of Education offers access to a wide variety of information, including the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Common Core State Standards, UC/CSU Entrance Requirements, Specialized Programs and much more. 

California Schools Dashboard shows how districts and schools are performing on test scores, graduation rates and other measures of student success.


Military Interstate Children's Compact Comission (MIC3) has been signed by the state of California and addresses the key issues of Eligibility, Enrollment, Placement and Graduation encountered by military families.

MilitaryOneSource for information on your gaining installation and surrounding communities. The site also provides information about the programs, services, and maps for military installations worldwide. You can also subscribe to their newsletters. You will also have access to a variety of information.

Anchored4Life provide transition and resiliency resources and skills to counselors, teachers, parents, and youth. A4L is available at eight of our local elementary school sites. 

National Military Family Association (NMFA)  is a private non-profit association organized to improve the quality of family life of all military personnel.  Activities revolve around programs to educate the public, the military community, and the Congress on the rights and benefits of military families, as well as advocate for an equitable quality of life for those families.

MyPCS gives Sailors a way to access PCS-related information and resources using their personal mobile devices – no Common Access Card (CAC) required.

MyDeployment allows sailors on Active Duty PCS orders to access PCS-related information and resources, view orders, and create/submit travel vouchers.

Military Installations School Liaison Directory

DoDEA The Department of Defense Education Activity instructional program provides a comprehensive pre- Kindergarten through 12th grade curriculum overseas and at selected locations in the continental U.S.

TUTORING Tutoring and homework help provided at no cost to active duty service members and their eligible dependents.

Navy MWR Digital Library provides online resources for Navy families, Sailors, retirees, and civilians for recreation, professional development, and academic support.


Military & Family Life Counselors provide non-medical, solution focused, problem solving counseling support, coaching, and education to children, families, service members and staff that work in the various Child and Youth Programs on the installation and in the schools.  Common activities:  Attend events, facilitate group discussion, present materials, brief the program, coaching, problem solving, providing education, emotional support, and managing resources.  Some typical issues addressed:  Bullying, developmental phases, conflict-resolution, self-confidence, communication, deployment and reintegration, leadership skills, stress and anger management, and behavior management techniques.

Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) delivers programs, services, and professional development to meet the needs of military-connected students, parents, and professionals.

Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) supports individual and family readiness through a full array of programs and resources, which help Navy families to be resilient, well-informed and adaptable to the Navy environment.

Child & Youth Programs (CYP) are nationally recognized programs that ensure high quality and affordable child care and programming is readily available for military and Department of Defense families worldwide.

Additional Resources:

• Child Development Center (CDC) 

• School Age Care Center (SAC)  

• Youth Programs (Castle X)

Navy MWR conducts activities and events, and delivers high-quality, innovative recreation programs in state-of-the-art facilities worldwide.


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CalVet College Tuition Fee Waiver for Veteran Dependents: The College Tuition Fee Waiver for Veteran Dependents benefit waives mandatory system-wide tuition and fees at any State of California Community College, California State University, or University of California campus

Post 9/11 GI Bill VA website for Post 9/11 GI Bill, transferability and Yellow Ribbon.

SAT test registration

ACT test registration Offers students free grade, activities and test score specific profiles and information on hundreds of colleges. Provides student financial assistance resources. ASVAB is a multiple-aptitude battery that measuresdeveloped abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success. It is administered annually. A list of scholarship opportunities is available to download from the box at the right.


Tricare ECHO: The Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) provides financial assistance to beneficiaries with special needs for an integrated set of services and supplies.

EFMP ROC is a ready, one-source access point to the Resources, Options and Consultations available to military families with special needs through Military OneSource.

EFMP:  The Navy's Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) serves military families with special needs. The EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program for sponsors with qualifying family members.  Special needs include special medical, dental, mental health, developmental or educational requirements, the requirement for adaptive equipment assistive technology devices and services and/or wheelchair accessibility.

DirectSTEP®  eCourses explain legal requirements and best practices for behavior management, autism, IDEA eligibility, IEPs and more. They also teach parents and educators how to handle critical education issues to obtain positive outcomes while applying education laws to the day-to-day world of teaching and learning. These eCourses are available for use by all Sailors, parents, Military/DoD personnel assigned to Navy installations and K-12 educators serving military children.  

Go to self-register for eCourses.

Other downloads : Get Started with Direct Step | Direct Step Courses



Public Schools

Military families moving to or from NAWS China can contact the NAWS China Lake School Liaison to obtain information on education options including district boundaries, academics, inter-district transfer policies, graduation requirements, before and after school programs and more. The SL works with parents and schools to ensure smooth transitions and immediate connections for military-connected students.
Students living onboard NAWS China Lake and choosing to attend the local public school are zoned for, Richmond Elementary (K-5), Murray Middle School (6-8) and Burroughs High School (9-12). Richmond Elementary is temporarily operating out of Vieweg Elementary School, located outside the fence line and belongs to the Sierra Sands Unified School District (SSUSD). There are no DoDEA schools.
Each fall, children entering Kindergarten must turn five on or before September 1. Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is offered to children who turn five between September 2 and December 2. TK students enter Kindergarten the following school year.
A complete list of all the SSUSD sites can be found on the SSUSD web site. School attendance is based on residential boundaries. Attendance outside residential boundaries is covered by each districts’ policies which information can be found at the Superintendent’s Offices. Parent(s) may select the school their child attends within the district where space is available. Open enrollment is available to pupils whose parent(s) or guardian(s) currently reside within district of attendance, based on a random, unbiased lottery and will be re-evaluated each year based on specific school enrollment numbers. Because school attendance is tied to residential boundaries, it is recommended parents learn more on specific district policies before deciding on a home.
For more information regarding transfer options and information, please contact your School Liaison Officer at 760-939-7135 or the SSUSD office at 760-499-1600.

• Sierra Sands Unified School District:  - grades K-12

Charter Schools

Charter schools are public schools. In California, most are non-proft. They are non-sectarian, tuition-free and open to any student who wishes to attend, space permitting. All academic programs must align with the Common Core State Standards, and charter school students must participate in state required standardized testing. In California, charter schools are required to hire credentialed teachers for core and college preparatory subjects just like all traditional public schools. Charter schools may work on the lottery system when enrolling additional students.

• Ridgecrest Elementary Academy: Language, Math, Sciences (REALMS) Charter School - grades K-6

Independent Study

Independent study is a different way of learning. In independent study, a student is guided by a teacher but usually does not take classes with other students every day. The student works independently.  Independent study programs are designed to help students who have health problems, are parents, are gifted, are working, or who find that regular classroom settings do not meet their needs.

• Opportunities for Learning - grades 7-12


Homeschooling, also known as home education, is the education of children inside the home. Home education is usually conducted by a parent or tutor. Homeschools use a wide variety of methods, styles and materials, chosen by families. A student's education  may be customized to support his or her learning level, style, and interests. You can register with a public school. private school, public charter school, correspondence course, virtual academy, or you can file an R-4 affidavit with the state. Contact your SLO for assistance and local groups.

• California Department of Education: Information for specific state level requirements.

• Home School Legal Defense Association:  Whose mission is “To preserve and advance the fundamental, constitutional right of parents and others legally responsible for their children to direct their education.”

• Home School Central:  Website with information about applicable laws and support groups, including overseas.  Includes resources.

Private/Parochial Schools

Private schools (also known to many as independent schools, non-governmental, privately funded, or non-state schools) are not administered by local, state or national governments.  Parents of kids who attend private schools choose to have their child be in a school where kids are accordingly selected based on either their family income, religious background, or simply based on their academics. Private schools retain the right to select their students and are funded in whole or in part by charging their students tuition, rather than relying on mandatory taxation through public (government) funding.

A parochial school is a private primary or secondary school affiliated with a religious organization, and whose curriculum includes general religious education in addition to secular subjects, such as science, mathematics and language arts.  Parochial systems are largely supported by donations to the parish.  Many parochial schools accept students of other faiths.  *There are also religious schools affiliated with Jewish (Hebrew), Muslim and other groups. These, however, are not usually called "parochial" because of the term's historical association with Christian parishes.

 Ridgecrest Adventist Elementary - grades K-8

• Balas Montessori - grade Kindergarten

• Heritage Montessori School - grades K-5

• Immanuel Christian School - grades K-12

• Saint Ann School - grades K-8

College & Career

Preparing for life after high school can be a daunting process for high school students and their families. The NAWS China School Liaison is available to help families and high school students navigate the requirements for college applications, financial aid, scholarships, Veterans’ education benefits for children and career planning.

• California Colleges: The official source for college and career planning in California.

• California State University System: Home page of the 23 campus CSU system.

• University of California System: Links to the 9 Undergraduate Campuses in the UC System.

• Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities: AICCU helps students, families, counselors, member colleges and policy makers research and understand private nonprofit higher education in California.

• California Community Colleges: Find public community colleges in California.

 California Apprenticeship Coordinators Association Contacts for Union apprenticeships throughout California.

• U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Student Career Exploration and Statistics provides helpful information about choosing an occupation, changing careers, preparing for interviews, understanding education and training options, saving for college, and more.  Read about the nature of the work, education and training requirements, advancement opportunities, employment, salary, and ten-year job outlook for hundreds of occupations.  Compare over 700 occupations by employment size, projected employment growth, wages, and the typical entry-level education.

Recruiting, Academy and ROTC

United States Department of Defense: Military Academy Links for Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine.

Today's Military: Provides overview of joining the military--resources for parents and educators.


Youth Sponsorship

Youth Sponsorship (grades 3-12) provides access to positive peer groups and social activities, helping military children feel connected at their new duty station. If interested in connecting your child with a local youth sponsor, complete the fields below. Once received, you will be contacted by a School Liaison Officer/Youth Center Manager.

For Youth Sponsorship with School Age Care or Youth Programs, participants must be enrolled or a registered user.

Click here to get started.

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